Eaon is an acknowledged strategy leader with deep experience in creative, digital, and media agencies in the UK, US, and Australia. His pedigree includes multi-award-winning spells at Weapon7 in London and ClemengerBBDO in Melbourne.

Eaon is author of three books Where Did It All Go Wrong? from 2018 and ‘Shot By Both Sides in January 2020. The third book in the trilogy, If There’s A Hell Below We’re All Gonna Go, arrived in 2023, and his fourth book, ‘Chairman of the Bored’, is due in early 2025. He was also a contributor to the APG textbook ‘Eat your Greens: Fact Based Thinking To Improve Your brand’s Health’.

He writes and speaks regularly on the challenges facing marketing and communications through the lens of applied behavioural sciences and is regarded as an industry authority on consumer psychology.

Key Qualities

Happiest in unstable philosophical and technological environments.
Perpetually curious about human nature.
Advocate for evidence-based practice.


In 2010 Eaon was headhunted from London to be Clemenger BBDO’s first digital innovation director. During this time Eaon’s team won multiple industry awards for digital creativity and launched Twelevision, the worlds first socialtv twitter app (quaint, I know, but this was 2010 - Ed.).

Public sector

At Dentsu and then IPG Eaon led the media and digital strategy teams on the Australian Federal Government. At Dentsu his team also serviced Victorian State Government including Victoria Tourism, Australia Post, NT and ACT Territory government, ran comms for a General Election and the Australian Marriage Equality referendum. Survive 6 years wrangling government comms, and you can handle anything.

The Half-Truth Of Attention Metrics - Mumbrella360 Sydney 2023

Eaon also helps business and organisations of all flavours by applying the key principles of evolutionary psychology to their people challenges with the behavioural consulting service